The Testy Chef

Monday, July 31, 2006


Badmitton is the ultimate summer sport, hands down. Smashing the shuttle back and forth on a cool evening, nothing like it.
Last night I was over at Klass&Alyses' house playing Klaas the game with a modified shuttle. Since the shuttle moves too slow for our manly selves, we used some scissors and cut out half of the little plastic "feathers" keeping it symmetrical to significantly speed it up and extend the distance you can hit it.
I used to be really good when I had my own court growing up and had sort of forgotten how much fun it is. The PPE going away party is this saturday and there is definitly going to be a tournament of champions.

Friday, July 28, 2006

I-pod cramps

My i-pod sure is nice to look at. And the feeling of feeling like a total hipster has not worn off yet. I alread love it having all this music at my fingertips and best of all no skipping. There are thorns in my beautiful rose though, mostly due to the selfish, selfish artists that demand that they make a buck and the resulting copyright laws. When loading music onto your I pod you must do it ALL from ONE computer. If you are at another computer, like say on the other side of the planet, you have to purge your HD and start from scratch...shitty shittersons. Gives me an excuse to visit the island every year or so though. I am really hoping that you can upload songs from any computer from I-tunes. If you cannot, then I really will feel like I am missing something.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Soon to be HIP

I purchased an Ipod today. Excited does not cover it, imagining that soon I will be able to listen to music non-stop untill I am 87 holds such beauty and promise I feel I must do a little dance.
I got it from Amazon, and for those of you who have never shopped amazon, it is no wonder that those fellas survived the internet bubble popping. You can buy anything. No, you can buy 100 of anything there.

So soon I will be so hip, with my fancy little earbuds, I will cry.

I plan to immeditly download all 3 LOTR and watch them on my ittybitty screen all in a row.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

I like burritos

London broil is the next ox tail. By that I mean that untill recent history, the oxtail was regarded with suspicion and distain as a cut o meat by most people. Oxtails were available at next to nothing which made them attractive to restaurants that were willing to cook them up in tasty stews and had to talent to turn people on to them. They caught on, and now the once vile oxtail is revered for its meaty flavor and is turning up in stewpots across this great land.
Back to london broil. This cut of meat should be priced along the lines of flank steak in my opinion. It is pretty much the same deal. Tough untill cut against the grain and very thin. It does not require long cooking just different preperation.
I made burritos last night with this broil and it was the bomb . As the name implies, broil that puppy untill rare after slathering some peanut oil and seasonign with whatever spices you want to be tasting in your burrito. I used Johnny's Famous Seasoning Salt. Slice against the grain at an angle.
So everyone go out and instead of getting crummy ground beef or hormone injected chicken for your burrito, go high class and wrasle up some london broil.

Monday, July 24, 2006

I am crazy

If you are not familiar with Family Guy, dont even bother reading this.
I was watching Family Guy last night. It was the episode where the Griffin's house is robbed and they run into the panic room where Peter starts telling them the Griffin family history. At one point Meg is in the kitchen and the robbers grab her and write a note that they hold up to the camera. Anyway Stewie says, " Better not be using my crayons. Mixn' 'em up". It made me laugh so hard, it made me wonder if I had popped a gland.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

I like cartoons

I have been watching a lot of this new show "Avatar: The Last Airbender". It is produced by Nickelodeon and is a Elemental Fantasy based story of 3 friends Sakka, Katara, and Aang who is the Avatar. Their quest is to journey to the North Pole to reunite with the Water Tribe. Aang's purpose as the Avatar is to bring all the element tribes in to balance and he can only do this when he masters all 4 elements. And he is 12.
It's a pretty good little story, the martial arts in it are cool, each element has its own style. Water, for instance, is based on TaiChi very fluid, and Earth is this very aggressive style of KungFu. The animation is nothing special, but the environments are pretty imaginative.
The writing can get a little tedious, as it is intended for the teenager crowd, but if you enjoy watching the occasional Disney movie you probably won't mind.

Thursday, July 20, 2006


I feel like a big bloated blob today. I hate days like this, where you just want to tell everybody to go away and leave you alone so you can get some much needed rest. I can't even look at people without crossing over to the dark side. Perhaps I should do something, like have some coffee.

On a brighter note, I saw "Planet Of The Apes, Escape From The Planet of the Apes" last night, and wooo boy did it deliver. That's not sarcasm, it was hilarious. I'm not really sure how a couple of pretentious apes with no facial expressions can not. I won't ruin it for everybody, but there is ape on human action.

Penguin update:
I got my airline tickets today, one more step towards doom.

By the way Jenny and Mom, this has spell check, sorry no more peingunes or antarticas

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I'm leavn on a jet plane and how this blog got its name

I am leaving for the antarctic on the 16 of august. So far I am going through periods of intense panic, pretty generic non-spacific panic, just sort of this looming fear; and equally intense periods of being totally thrilled and excited. Generally when I am thinking more clearly I am happier about it all. All the places I am going to see and what I have planned to do is really exciting. I am thinking about writing something about it all, but I am not really sure if anybody would really be interested in reading it. I want people to be interested in what I am writing, so I might make it sort of a half fiction type thing. I really like writers like Garrison Keillor and Tom Robbins, they both sort of take a semi-beleiveable enviroment and make it both funny and interesting. I think I will go for that.

For those of you reading this that do not know, I named my blog after this little greasy spoon diner, actually called "The Testy Chef" that was on the way out to Maple Valley, where my brother-in-law's parents house is, and when my mom saw it she thought it was the funniest shit, because apparently I tend to get a little testy in the kitchen. As I plan to write a fair amount about the food wherever I am, the title seemed appropiate. Plus testy sounds like testicals, and I love my testicals.

Monday, July 17, 2006


this is me